Monday, May 2, 2011

Gym Etiquette

I know there are dozens and dozens of "gym etiquette" rules and regulations, and I agree with all of them....
however, as I was just getting into my killer 60 minute interval workout at the gym this morning, I couldn't help but obsess about one rule over and over again in my head:


Sorry for shouting, I really needed to get that off my chest! Allow me to elaborate on the subject, if you don't mind....
I had just put in a mere 5 minutes on the Elliptical this morning, and I was already sweating buckets. Literally buckets. The gym wasn't very crowded, and I was having internal dialouge that I could get thru this workout no matter how hard it was....."you can do it"...."you'll feel so good when you are done, blah blah blah".....

Suddenly a very trim attractive young girl got on the treadmill right next to me and began walking. I didn't take much notice until BAM, I was hit like a ton of bricks.......perfume, and lots of it. Not just a teeny bit mind you, no....this was like body wash/deodorant/body mist/cologne all of the same scent, all used at the same time. Sensory overload anyone?

It started first with a little tickle in my throat, followed by a few coughs here and there. Before I knew it I was teetering into a full blown asthma attack. Cripes! I was being held hostage by a scent! What should I do? Move over to another machine? Cut my workout short? Keep going no matter how awful it was?

Being the stubborn fool that I am, I stayed put and toughed it out. After hitting my rescue inhaler twice, I was at least able to catch my breath enough to keep going. I was incredibly relieved when she finally left after 40 minutes or so.

I don't mean to sound like a whiner; I am a girly girl myself, and I love to smell good. But for goodness sake, I never put on cologne before I go to workout. Deodorant, check. Cologne, no way.

So, for our fellow gym-goers, ladies (& men for that matter) PLEASE refrain from saturating yourself with the smelly stuff. Save it for after your shower! Besides, is it possible to smell THAT bad before you go to the gym?

Trust me, it will be much appreciated by all!

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