Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Obese Youth

I recently read a report in the news that obesity rates in Ohio are climbing at an alarming rate, especially among our youth. I’ll be the first to admit this scares the heck out of me; what does the future hold for our young people, if most of them entering into adulthood will be classified as either overweight or obese?

I realize to the average Joe this may not be that big of a deal, who cares, right? So what if our kids are overweight? Weight doesn’t define a person, right? We don’t want to hurt their feelings because of their weight….we must build up their self esteem at any cost.

RIGHT…..and so wrong too. True, weight should NEVER define a person, it doesn’t make you less of a person or not as bright as the next guy if you are carrying around an extra 20 pounds. Being overweight certainly doesn’t mean you are lazy or sloppy or don’t care; actually it’s quite the contrary. Most overweight folks have struggled for years with their weight and have tried most of the popular diet trends with limited success (been there done that!)

However, this is not an excuse for these staggering statistics when it comes to our kids. We need to educate our children, get them moving and eating right, to prevent them from ever being overweight or obese in the first place.

I realize that my opinion probably isn’t the most popular, but I feel very strongly about this subject, and I have a right to -- you see, I was the one in school who was the “fat kid”. Everyone else was trim and athletic, and my “big bones” made me stick out like a sore thumb. Of course I was teased because of it, and I was always the very last one picked to be on any team. Since I went to private school that required uniforms, it was next to impossible to find the required attire in my size. Usually things would have to be special ordered for my size. I felt humiliated every day because of my weight -- I would starve myself, drop a few pounds, and then gain it all back and then some. Talk about pressure at such a young age. I never fit the “ideal” image of a healthy active child, and I was definitely in the minority at the time. My friends would be running or biking, playing sports, and I couldn’t even begin to keep up with them.

I see kids today and it’s a complete turn-around from my experience -- the majority of the kids are heavier than I was in school. It’s quite startling when you really take a look at it. I’m so glad to see the stigma of being the “fat kid” seems to have diminished quite a bit, but I am greatly saddened by the physical state our kids are in.

I know how awful it feels to be overweight. You can’t do much of anything physical without getting winded; your energy levels are pathetic, you can’t find clothes that fit, you feel terribly depressed so you turn to food for comfort. It’s a vicious cycle that perpetuates and spins out of control, and you don’t have a clue how to stop it.

The most troubling fact about all of this is the health issues our children will be dealing with -- diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease. I’m sure the pharmaceutical companies would be happy with this kind of outcome, but do we really want that for our children, our future?

In a perfect world our kids would be taught healthy habits from the beginning, and would never have to struggle with their weight. Call it a pipe dream, but I for one am going to do my very best to educate and motivate our young people to take charge of their health now before it’s too late. We must take action or the very fate of future generations will be jeopardized.

Life is full of so many wonderful opportunities that an obese person will never experience. Believe me, I’ve been on both sides of the fence, and life is so much sweeter when you are in good physical condition!

So tell me, are you up for the challenge? How can YOU help educate and motivate our youth to adopt a healthy lifestyle?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Inspiration when you least expect it

Isn't it funny how we can be going thru our normal daily routines, only to be caught totally off guard by some unexpected wonderful inspiration? It certainly changes my perspective on the day....

Yesterday I was working out at the gym; there is a fellow member there whom I exchange "hello's" with, but usually not much more, who was also there. This gentleman is probably about my age, and handicapped; you see, he struggles to walk, and staggers a lot (almost to the point of falling....but he never does). His speech is also quite slurred and he has very limited use of his upper extremities as well. Over the past few months I have come to learn that his name is Todd, so I struck up a conversation with him yesterday as we were both lifting some free weights. We got on the subject of swimming and he explained that he loved to swim, but hasn't been able to since his accident. When I asked him what happened, he told me he was in a horrible auto accident on Feb. 2, 1985 - it was snowing out and he lost control of his car coming home from work, and a van hit him. Between intensive care and rehab facilities, he wasn't able to return home for 2 years. In the blink of an eye his life totally changed forever.

He had to relearn everything -- how to talk, walk, feed himself -- everything. I learned that he earned his drivers license again after the accident, and now lives independently by himself.

This wonderful man has an incredible spirit, and holds no bitterness about what happened to him. He goes to the gym every day to strengthen his muscles and build his strength up as best as he can. Things that we take for granted every single day are a struggle for him, yet he never complains.
We finished up our conversation I gave him a hug, and told him what an inspiration he is.

As I watched him stumble away with a smile on his face to go chat with some other club members, it really hit me just how very blessed I am. I complain about my body and the fact I can't lose those last 10 pounds, and how I wish I could run a 7 minute mile. I get so caught up in the everyday stuff of life that I forget to step back and see things for what they truly are -- a blessing from God.

I'm going to do my best to reflect on this experience every single day, to not take for granted this body that moves when and where my brain directs it. To be thankful that I am able to run, regardless of my pace. Thankful for my wonderful family and friends who fill my life with so much joy & love.

Todd, you are truly an inspiration. Thanks for opening my eyes up to the blessings that surround my life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Congrats Brenda!!!

I'm so very proud of Brenda, who ran the Daniel Shawver Memorial 5K this morning with flying colors!
It was quite humid and muggy, and it was tough to breathe easily.....but she did very very well.
Brenda won 1st place for her age group too....way to go!!!! I'm SO proud of you!
Thanks to ALL you ladies who inspire me on a daily basis...............great job Brenda!
I still can't believe this wonderful lady is a Grandma too....amazing!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quote of the Day

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. 

       - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Body Image - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Body image is a term we hear quite often, especially when referring to the female gender. I know for me personally it is something that I struggle with more often than not. Even though I have lost and kept off a large amount of weight, I still sometimes see myself as the "fat girl" who never quite fit in. I see pictures of myself and don't even recognize my own image -- is that me? Surely not. I have a dear friend who, like me, dropped weight and exercises regularly, and she too has trouble seeing herself as others see her - an athletic, trim individual.

So what is body image, and why does it have such an impact on our self esteem?

 Body image is defined as "the conception or picture a person has of his or her own body."

There is clear evidence that negative body image is linked to serious health and emotional problems. People with poor body image are more likely to experience depression, disordered eating and anxiety disorders. They are also more likely to go to unhealthy lengths to change or alter their bodies and their appearance.

Negative body image is
·            having a distorted perception of your shape
·            believing that only other people are attractive
·            being ashamed, self-conscious and anxious about your body
·            feeling uncomfortable and awkward in your body

Positive body image is
·            having a true perception of your shape
·            celebrating and appreciating your natural body shape
·            understanding that a person’s physical appearance says    very little about his or her character and value as a person
·            being proud and accepting of your unique body
·            refusing to spend an unreasonable amount of time worrying about food, weight and calories
·            feeling comfortable and confident in your body
So what can we do for ourselves, and each other for that matter, to improve our body image? Here are a few tips that I found helpful:

·            Care for and value your body at all times.
·            Dress in a way that makes you feel good right now.
·            Find a physical activity that is pleasant and sustainable; accomplishing something physical will boost your self-esteem.
·            Learn to trust your body.
·            Look in the mirror without judging yourself; view yourself as a whole person instead of compartmentalizing your body.
·         Set your goals in terms of achieving physical health and emotional well-being rather than obsessing about your physical appearance.

Most important of all, we need to accept the fact that no matter what the number reads on the scale, or the size of clothing we are wearing, this does NOT define us as a person. It's vital to take care of oneself by exercising and eating right, of course, but we must accept and love ourselves despite our shortcomings.

We are all human beings, and none of us are perfect.

Once we can truly love and accept ourselves, the body image challenges we have will fall into a healthier place.

Always love yourself, because you have been created in God's image, and never forget you ARE loveable and deserving of love!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gym Etiquette

I know there are dozens and dozens of "gym etiquette" rules and regulations, and I agree with all of them....
however, as I was just getting into my killer 60 minute interval workout at the gym this morning, I couldn't help but obsess about one rule over and over again in my head:


Sorry for shouting, I really needed to get that off my chest! Allow me to elaborate on the subject, if you don't mind....
I had just put in a mere 5 minutes on the Elliptical this morning, and I was already sweating buckets. Literally buckets. The gym wasn't very crowded, and I was having internal dialouge that I could get thru this workout no matter how hard it was....."you can do it"...."you'll feel so good when you are done, blah blah blah".....

Suddenly a very trim attractive young girl got on the treadmill right next to me and began walking. I didn't take much notice until BAM, I was hit like a ton of bricks.......perfume, and lots of it. Not just a teeny bit mind you, no....this was like body wash/deodorant/body mist/cologne all of the same scent, all used at the same time. Sensory overload anyone?

It started first with a little tickle in my throat, followed by a few coughs here and there. Before I knew it I was teetering into a full blown asthma attack. Cripes! I was being held hostage by a scent! What should I do? Move over to another machine? Cut my workout short? Keep going no matter how awful it was?

Being the stubborn fool that I am, I stayed put and toughed it out. After hitting my rescue inhaler twice, I was at least able to catch my breath enough to keep going. I was incredibly relieved when she finally left after 40 minutes or so.

I don't mean to sound like a whiner; I am a girly girl myself, and I love to smell good. But for goodness sake, I never put on cologne before I go to workout. Deodorant, check. Cologne, no way.

So, for our fellow gym-goers, ladies (& men for that matter) PLEASE refrain from saturating yourself with the smelly stuff. Save it for after your shower! Besides, is it possible to smell THAT bad before you go to the gym?

Trust me, it will be much appreciated by all!