Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Body Image - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Body image is a term we hear quite often, especially when referring to the female gender. I know for me personally it is something that I struggle with more often than not. Even though I have lost and kept off a large amount of weight, I still sometimes see myself as the "fat girl" who never quite fit in. I see pictures of myself and don't even recognize my own image -- is that me? Surely not. I have a dear friend who, like me, dropped weight and exercises regularly, and she too has trouble seeing herself as others see her - an athletic, trim individual.

So what is body image, and why does it have such an impact on our self esteem?

 Body image is defined as "the conception or picture a person has of his or her own body."

There is clear evidence that negative body image is linked to serious health and emotional problems. People with poor body image are more likely to experience depression, disordered eating and anxiety disorders. They are also more likely to go to unhealthy lengths to change or alter their bodies and their appearance.

Negative body image is
·            having a distorted perception of your shape
·            believing that only other people are attractive
·            being ashamed, self-conscious and anxious about your body
·            feeling uncomfortable and awkward in your body

Positive body image is
·            having a true perception of your shape
·            celebrating and appreciating your natural body shape
·            understanding that a person’s physical appearance says    very little about his or her character and value as a person
·            being proud and accepting of your unique body
·            refusing to spend an unreasonable amount of time worrying about food, weight and calories
·            feeling comfortable and confident in your body
So what can we do for ourselves, and each other for that matter, to improve our body image? Here are a few tips that I found helpful:

·            Care for and value your body at all times.
·            Dress in a way that makes you feel good right now.
·            Find a physical activity that is pleasant and sustainable; accomplishing something physical will boost your self-esteem.
·            Learn to trust your body.
·            Look in the mirror without judging yourself; view yourself as a whole person instead of compartmentalizing your body.
·         Set your goals in terms of achieving physical health and emotional well-being rather than obsessing about your physical appearance.

Most important of all, we need to accept the fact that no matter what the number reads on the scale, or the size of clothing we are wearing, this does NOT define us as a person. It's vital to take care of oneself by exercising and eating right, of course, but we must accept and love ourselves despite our shortcomings.

We are all human beings, and none of us are perfect.

Once we can truly love and accept ourselves, the body image challenges we have will fall into a healthier place.

Always love yourself, because you have been created in God's image, and never forget you ARE loveable and deserving of love!

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