Monday, September 19, 2011

Migraines & Exercise

Just last week I was discussing the benefits of exercise with one of my clients who happens to suffer from migraine headaches. While many believe exercise is a trigger for migraines, that is not always the case.

There are many potential triggers for a migraine:

Not eating properly before exercising and causing a dramatic drop in blood sugar to occur

Not taking in enough fluid and becoming dehydrated while exercising

Starting a new eating plan and a new exercise plan at the same time

Attempting strenuous exercise without warming up properly

To pinpoint exertion-related migraine triggers, clients should keep an exercise log, which should include specific information:

Time of day when exercising

Last meal prior to workout

Fluid intake

Medication details

By keeping a detailed log of when and where the migraines attack, you will be much better equipped to pinpoint the trigger for your migraines.

The best type of exercise for those suffering from migraines is regular, moderate aerobic exercise, at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Regular exercise, coupled with a healthy diet, can hopefully reduce the number of migraines as well as the intensity.
So don't be so quick to dismiss exercise as your migraine trigger - our bodies were made to move!

Be well!

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