Monday, July 25, 2011

Bad Days -- We all have 'em

Even the best athletes have their off days, from the weekend warriors to the Olympian contenders. We can train properly, get plenty of rest, pre-fuel and hydrate, and STILL bonk or have a lackluster performance come race day.

My husband has begun running with me, and I have been training him for a 5 mile race on 7/30. Last Saturday we had planned a longer run, and I told him to be sure and eat and drink properly before we left. Did he listen to me? No, he did not, and he paid dearly for it. He struggled from the minute we started until we finished our run an hour later. It was a valuable lesson to be learned, no doubt about it.

He was feeling pretty discouraged, and I did my best to tell him that even if he had done everything right, he still could have had a bad run. I have plenty of experience in that arena, I assure you! The human body is such a mystery, and oftentimes can take us totally by surprise by reacting differently than we expect. Sometimes I find that my left brain & right brain are at a total war with each other during an exercise session, and I have to be very creative to keep my thoughts occupied on something other than what I am presently doing so I can get thru the workout.

The key is to do your best, no matter how cruddy you think you are doing; when you are finished, do a little detective work to determine WHY it happened. Did you eat properly? Get enough rest? Are you dehydrated? It could be that there is no reason for it, and that's OK. Don't beat yourself up over it! Rest assured, your next run or workout will be much better!

And, I promise you will cherish those awesome workouts just a little bit more next time.........

Be well!

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