Sunday, November 2, 2014

Apples Vs. Oranges

Apples Vs. Oranges

Contrary to your initial reaction to the title, this blog is NOT about fruit. Well, not literally anyway; let’s face it, some of us are fruitier than others. Nope, today’s title is more about the topic in a figurative sense.

We all recognize the saying that you can’t compare apples to oranges; they are, after all, completely different from each other. Yes, they are both members of the fruit family, but that is the extent of the characteristics they share.

The same theory applies to human beings. Yes, we are all part of the human race, but each one of us are so drastically different from one another. Not only are we are different in our outward appearance, but also in our feelings, desires, challenges, as well as our heart - in other words, the “meat and potatoes”, the substance of what makes us tick. Every one of us is beautifully unique by design.

Why then, do we find ourselves constantly comparing ourselves to one another? I caught myself doing this very thing at the gym the other day. You see, there is a gal who is in phenomenal shape; I see her running thru the streets like a gazelle and I can’t help but envy her. She lifts weights at the gym with ease and never even seems to crack much of a sweat. Naturally her dedication to fitness & health is reflected in her outward appearance, and I don’t think any article of clothing she put upon herself would look bad. I’ll be the first to admit it - I’m jealous! My legs are short and stocky, not thin and wispy like hers, and I feel more like a bulldog instead of a gazelle when I run. Years of being grossly overweight have taken their toll on my body, and I’ll never feel comfortable wearing just a sports bra and shorts like she does. I could go on and on, as a matter of fact I realize I’ve already obsessed too much about the comparison!

I had to stop my thoughts dead in their tracks whilst observing her at the gym. I have no idea, zilch, nada, nothing about her life, her challenges, her accomplishments, her setbacks, and her desires. I’m solely judging her by her appearance. What a disservice not only to her, but to myself as well!

Recently a friend who is struggling with her weight made a comment to me, and it really struck a chord. She said “If only I looked like you, if I was your size, I would be so happy.” My face flushed and I immediately felt embarrassed. I fumbled for the proper response because I was so blindsided by her kind remark.

It helped me to realize that we ALL are comparing ourselves to one another to various degrees. Instead of focusing on our shortcomings, we need to recognize where we have come from, what we have overcome. I easily forget that at one time in my life I weighed over 100 pounds from where I am now. This is a battle I fight every day, to stay healthy and keep the weight off, yet I am so quick to dismiss or forget about it. I get upset and frustrated that I can’t run as fast as I used to, but I forget that I have a slew of issues with my health that interfere with my normal activities…. I need to practice gratitude for the fact that I am able to even get out there and run!

The point I am trying to make this - no matter how old or young you are, fat or skinny, rich or poor, etc etc etc….these factors do not define YOU. A number on the scale or a dress size matters not in this world; rather, it’s what’s in your heart that counts. Look at all the challenges and setbacks you have overcome, and do a little victory dance! You did it!
Celebrate the most wonderful you no matter what stage of life you may be in.

Stop comparing yourself to other apples or oranges around you; each one of us is unique in our own beautiful way.

In the great big fruit basket of life, we compliment each other with the assortment, and our diversity is what makes us unique! Embrace and love YOU, whether apple or orange, and never forget how truly wonderful you are!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder. I am guilty as charged, but trying to improve.. :)
