Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Importance of Positive Self Talk

Have you ever caught yourself saying things like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm too fat to wear that" or any other negative self talk? Our bodies really do physically hear those words, and in turn this has a huge impact on our self esteem.

We all have bad days where we doubt our abilities, talents, and even obsess about our bodies and everything wrong with them. "Why can't I lose 10 pounds and look like her? I don't have near the talents that she does....." etc. etc. etc.

When we find ourselves parroting these negative statements to ourselves, put on the brakes and STOP. Negative affirmations are just as powerful as positive ones, possibly even more so. If you say something to yourself enough times, sooner or later you are going to believe it.

My wish is that every single day everyone says at least one positive affirmation to themselves, and sincerely mean it. I've begun a journal just for affirmations of that sort, and when I am having a tough day, it really boosts my spirits to reflect on some of my positive attributes.

Give it a try! I promise you won't regret it. Believe in yourself, because you can do anything you set your mind to ~  don't forget to tell yourself that!

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