Friday, January 13, 2012

Young women & weight gain

Did you happen to see this article in Yahoo Health that was published today?

I find this to be an incredibly sad trend. Growing up in the 70's, as a young child & a teenager, I WAS VERY aware of my weight issues and how it made me vastly different from my peers. I totally stood out from everyone else because of my size, but I had NO idea of the health risks that were associated with being obese into adulthood. Back in "the good ole days" most kids were a healthy weight (unlike yours truly).

The startling fact is that now we do know more about the health risks associated with being overweight or obese, yet our kids (and adults for that matter) are getting heavier by the day. I am passionate in my belief that, as parents, we must help our kids adopt a healthier lifestyle to avoid becoming overweight in the first place. One-third of Americans are already classified as overweight or obese; at this rate, I expect within the next 5-10 years over half of Americans will be struggling with their weight issues.

It's up to us as parents & role models to demonstrate healthy behaviors, which include incorporating more fruits & vegetables into our diets, as well as daily exercise, to SHOW our children how to live a healthier lifestyle. After all, aren't we ALL worth it?

Our kids are depending on us! Let's not let them down!